Saturday, November 28, 2009

Glen J. Reid

[2010] Spouse: Su Reid, Lives in Uniondale, Indiana, 2 daughters, 1 son

After leaving Elmhurst in 1958, I spent 4 years in the U. S. Navy. In 1962, after obtaining a GED high school diploma and becoming an Electrician Mate 2nd class (E-5), I was honorably discharged.

In 1963, Su Ellen Phillips ('59 Arcola) and I were married. I worked for a local refrigeration contractor and played drums in a rock & roll band at night, a combination hobby and additional income.

In 1967, I began a 10-year stint working at Joslyn Stainless Steel as an electrician and then maintenance foreman. The rock & roll drums were traded in for a race boat, finishing 5th in the nation one year. Su and I had 2 daughters and a son during this period. I also began the long process of acquiring a BS degree in electrical engineering technology at IPFW while working full time and going to school at night part-time. Some professors retired before I finished the associate degree program in 1977 and the Bachelor degree program in 1987.

I decided to test the waters with my newly acquired associate degree and jumped around with several area companies over the next 8 years; ITT as a maintenance foreman, Gould in Angola as an electrician, and finally Tokheim first as an electrician and then as an electrical metrological engineer. I was having trouble figuring out what I wanted to be when I grew up. Along with these employment moves was relocation to Crooked Lake in Angola. By this time, I had traded in the race boat on a water ski and began to compete in 3-event waterskiing competion; slalom, trick and jumping, being Indiana State Champion several years. On a sadder note, also in this same time period, Su and I had a second son born only to lose him a month later to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

When General Motors came to town in 1985, I joined them as a Plant Engineer and helped build the plant, install the process equipment and build full-size pick-up trucks for the next 20 years. This was certainly the most rewarding employment of my working career, and I really enjoyed the job for the most part.

In 1998, in preparation to retirement, Su and I moved back to the Fort Wayne area locating in Uniondale close to the GM plant (and I though I was going to retire to Florida). I retired from GM as a Senior Plant Engineer in 2004. We tried RV'ing in Florida the first winter and both of us were bored to death, ready to come home early. We sold the RV that summer and agreed several weeks to a rental or nice hotel would be more fun when ever the mood struck us for some warm weather during the winter months.

My hobbies since retiring are, of course, competitive water skiing (Men's 7 Overall State Champion last year), golf (not very good at it), computers (much better at this), target shooting, gardening, reading, working-out to stay in shape and basketball. I'm in the slow process of building a '23 "I" bucket roadster. Su and I are part owners of the Fort Wayne Mad Ants, NBA D-League Basketball Team. We can be found sitting close to the end of the home team bench at all home games. We also began to follow a vegetarian diet 3 years ago in an attempt to prolong our good health.

Our oldest daughter, Julie Reid, is a Librarian in Mooresville, Indiana; the next daughter, Lori Reid, is a recent professor of sociology at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida; and the youngest, Son, Christopher Reid, is an aspiring singer/songwriter in Fort Wayne.

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